Somebody's going into business
Competition Commission inquiry
Trade Union busting, Worldwide
Slave wage? Tescopoly Commis-
Sion impossible? How can you
Fully gauge their global IMPACT
Winter blackout electric drought
And climate change, country all
Skint'd by the illegal War. Got
Any lamp oil, Jobs? MONOPOLY
Everywhere. On water on air.
Ghosts of Thatcher's Britain. GET
HOOKED on Kapitalismus. Here
Comes E-Baysbody. Amazon
World trade and google, digital
Highs. Get hooked on electronic
DRUGS! Internet Direct delivery
Service. Who issues it, how? Get
Loan, get hooked on consumism.
Rusting iron-ore sunset Through
Cracked looking glass, sand Led
And a bitter pint. Not rioting just
Wrioting Making "herb" Tunes for
Bob. At peace with Mary Jane.
Gordon Brown in Bollywood, Bush
Disney world, Blair in theological
Tennis tournaments With Cliff R.
Me down the pub pissed, Lottery
Economy X-factory life. Balls all
Up in air, have yours Dropped?
Get hooked On Urban Shamanism
Big Brother maybe watching YOU
His Sister Him the last time I had
Looked. Crime against humanity
Crimes Against nature. Tzar's
"Faith Based" government wishes
Humanity Dumb, hooked on sugar
Meat And Koks-Kapitalismus. Drop
The "IS" of identity and discover
Semantic clarity. Oled Angleterre
Of mud n' blog I love thee so.
I Love BOG Spirit S/he hooks me.
Get hooked on nature, seed, fruit
Flower, waterfall the OUR "Rivière"
The ills, my spores rest on the air
Mycoremediation of decaying nation
Riverruning renewal. A lone duck
Pushes on down rivière. Quacking!
Sovereignty = nature and Wealth
Eglise d'Etat spires now interrupt
Malvern, Clent GREEN space. Distant
Chinese landscapes? A Salamander
Spitting fire on Dudley coat of arms.
Peace comes of communicaxion.
Wikipedia culture wiki-Commons
Google government Not a House of
Corpses. A huge democratic theatre
To Broadcast yourself! Get Hooked.
TRU-TUBE! Total broadband aware-
Ness and blue-tooth democracy
NOW! Total Information Awareness
Of awareness, Get Reality Support
Systems swiftly swiftly. When i think
Of it? The Government stole mums
Water, but can there be a holy War?
Seal the vision: Don't PUSH the river!
What region Borough County district
Territory, Reich, Nation, Union, New
WORLD Order? Quick Uprising for
Easter time up up like
Lazarus, Finnegan and Prometheus
WILSON. Let the wind speak, Aisey
Now, through the clear bardo state.
Culled from my book:
New Page in the book of the World
One of my fav. books.
Small and handy for short trips.
This book was course work for the 'Ideogramic Method" class conducted at the Maybelogic Academy.
"This twentieth century not only turns a new page in the book of the world, but opens another and a startling chapter. Vistas of strange futures unfold for man, of world-embracing cultures half weaned from Europe, of hitherto undreamed responsibilities for nations and races. -Ernest Fenollosa, The Chinese written character as a medium for poetry
Small and handy for short trips.
This book was course work for the 'Ideogramic Method" class conducted at the Maybelogic Academy.
"This twentieth century not only turns a new page in the book of the world, but opens another and a startling chapter. Vistas of strange futures unfold for man, of world-embracing cultures half weaned from Europe, of hitherto undreamed responsibilities for nations and races. -Ernest Fenollosa, The Chinese written character as a medium for poetry
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