Shannanigums Wave Book 1 Chapter 1 d by flyagaric23
"When we consider the slow unfolding of information given in the ancient Egyptian language about a secret and sacred mushroom cult over a period extending from June 16th, 1954, to July 6th 1955, with the finding of a Golden Mushroom on July 6th, 1955 we have before us a unique drama. We have wrapped in the obscurity of a dead language certain arcane hints and specific information. - Andrija Puharich, The Sacred Mushroom. Page 134.
"Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a lone a last a loved a long the - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake P.540
"But there is more to this story. Our new hypothesis might explain, in ecological terms, the universal and age old symbolic relationship between fly agaric and toads. - Giorgio Samorini, The Lazarus Fly: A New Hypothesis.
"Finnegans Wake is isomorphic to that model also, since Finnegan is both dead and alive all throughout the book." - Robert Anton Wilson, Coincidance P. 239.
On June 16th, 1954, there was written: 'Anubis [as AMA UT]. He who guards the secrets of plants out of which Ra [sun god] appears."Now this is the first of a number of references which are givento a god who assumed the form of a dog and who was revered throughout the ancient Egyptian history as a god of the underworld, Anubis. - Andrija Puharich, The Sacred Mushroom, Page 127
The image of Osiris' literal erection from the dead, effected by Isis in the shape of a bird is a vivid one. It is central to the cycle of Osiris, and important in FW. - Mark L Troy, Mummeries of Resurrection.
"The tasks above are as the flasks below,
saith the emerald canticle of Hermes and all's
loth and pleasestir, are we told, on excellent
inkbottle authority, solarsystemised,
seriolcosmically, in a more and more almightily
expanding universe under one, there is
rhymeless reason to believe, original sun. - James Joyce, FW Page 263
"A clue to the power of mantras, as refered to throughout the Bardo Thodol, lies in the ancient Greek theory of music; namely, that, if the key-note of any particular body or substance be known, by its use the particular body or substance can be disintegrated. Scientifically, the whole problum may be understood through understanding the law of vibration. Each organism exhibits its own vibratory rate, and so does every inanimate object from the grain of sand to the mountain and even to each planet and sun. When this rate of vibration is known, the organism or form can, by occult use of it, be disintegrated. - W.Y Evans-Wentz, Mantras, or Words of Power, The Tibetan Book of the Dead.
"Amrita: N U I Th: Nitrogen Uranium Iodine (and sea-life) Therium makes a New "random" Atom Atomic No. 93." Aleister .Crowley - 23 August 1945.
Amrta (Sanskrit, "not death") is the nectar of immortality, as in Amrit; but in Hinduism, especially in the Vedas, it is called soma. -
Dead says Alf. He's no more dead than you are.
-Maybe so, says Joe. They took the liberty of burying him this morning anyhow. - James Joyce, Ulysses. Pg 247.
"For three years, diabolus in the scale,
He drank ambrosia... - Ezra Pound, Mauberley
"[May] those protectorless sentient beings, Mothers,
[Be] placed in the state of the Buddha: - Tibetan Book of the Dead.
"Announced by the hundred-lettered word,(3) the story of the fall begins with Tim Finnegan (H.C.E), the "bygermaster" or Ibsen's master building. Building a tower he falls from his ladder. His wake, attended by friends and relatives, and his revival proceed according to the ballad. Builder dead becomes a sleeping giant, extending from Howth to the magazine. A Salmon, he is sacramentally devoured by his survivors; for this "brontoichthyan form" is a thunderfish or Jesus-God. Adam, jesus, faller and creator, Finnegan will be Finnagain. (4-7) - William York Tindall, A readers guide to James Joyce.
"But the hieroglyphs as a pictorial representation of the sound AAK KHUT are worth more than a thousand words, to paraphrase the Chinese saying. The AAK part of this word, is the word for a ladder - Andrija Puharich, The Sacred Mushroom.
"The four DNA bases are hexagonal (like quartz crystal), but they each have a slightly different shape. As they stack up on top of each other, forming the rungs of the twisted ladder, they line up in the order dictated by the genetic text. Therefore, the DNA double helix has a slightly irregular, or aperiodic, structure. However, this is not the case for the repeat sequences, DNA becomes a regular arrangement of atoms, a periodic crystal - which could thereby constitute a possible and new function for a part of 'junk' DNA." - Jeremy Narby, The Cosmic Serpent.
According to the ancient Egyptian narrative, the tree was cut down and, still containing the god, made into a roof tree. This was an important symbol to the ancient Egyptians (see also p. 35 below); it is included in FW as part of 25.13 "the sacred rooftree". - Mark L. Troy, Mummeries of Resurrection -
"The blue water lily (Nymphaea caerula) is known to have been used ritually as part of the Osiris cult in dynastic Egypt. The lily was the form in which Isis restored the murdered Osiris, and was thus a symbol for him. It was also a symbol of divination and was often portrayed together with mandrake, poppy capsules, and the toad. Ratasch notes that the Egytian book of the dead contains a text known as the "Transformation of the water lily," which describes a shamanic or alchemical transformation: "i am the sacred water lily, which came out of the light, which belongs to the nostrils of Ra and to the head of Hathor. I am the pure water lily, which came from the field of Ra. Buds of Nymphae caerula have been experimentally shown to have hypnotic effects, but the chemistry of the plant still requires investigation. - Paul Devereaux, The long trip. Page 89.
"In what sense can verse, written in terms of visible hieroglyphics, be reckoned true poetry? It might seem that poetry, which like music is a time art, weaving its unities out of successive impressions of sound, could with difficulty assimilate a verbal medium consisting largely of semi-pictorial appeals to the eye. - Ernest Fenallosa, The Chinese written Character As A Medium For Poetry.
"The resurrection and the life. Once you are dead you are dead. That last day idea. Knocking them all up out of their graves. Come forth, Lazarus! And he came fifth and lost the job. Get up! Last day! Then every fellow mousing around for his liver and his lights and the rest of his traps. Find damn all of himself that morning. Pennyweight of powder in a skull. Twelve grammes one pennyweight. Troy measure. - James Joyce, Ulysses, Episode 6, Hades. 87.
"The first and most important of holy mountains is the Kunlan, the other worldly place governs where the mother queen of the west, Lady of the Ultimate Yin, dwells. She also governs the Jade Mountains of the six ding periods. In Chinese, the name Kunlan is etymologically and semantically related to hundan, which means chaos. The holy mountain of the mother is conceived as being the matrix of the universe. Other holy mountains share this same quality of being chaotic precincts in which life is engendered and regenerated: places for returning to the source, hiding and nurturing. here the elixirs are to be found, as well as the healing herbs and magic mushrooms. As we have seen already, those who dwell in these mountains belong to a time cycle different from that of the ordinary world. - Wang Hsiu-huei and Kristofer Schipper, Progressive and Regressive Time Cycles in Taoist Ritual.
"Osiris interacted with his sister-wife Isis, who also played many roles, the loving wife and sister, the mourning widow, the personification of creative magic. All of the other characters, the other gods in the cycle, also had distinct roles to play, in specific situations. These were extended and ritualized, and followed by men who wished to assume the identity of the god who had attained immortality after resurrection. Through the use of creative word formation, situational juxtaposition and all the other tools of his art Joyce extended and developed the figures, patterns and symbolic actions as they found place in the microcosmic universe of FW. - Marl L Troy,
"Pound's sources defining the ideogram all agree that the terms of the pictorial relationships are certified by the entire culture which employ's them, it is the community of written speech user's throughout the cultures linguistic history that has shaped the ideogram's configuration and validation; its accuracy. - Tale of the Tribe, Micheal Bernstein, Page 47.
"In The Genesis of Ezra Pound's Cantos, Bush has examined the influence of James, de Gourmont, Laforgue, Eliot, and Joyce on Pound's refashioned style for the Ur-Cantos of 1917-19. To these we must add the art of Wang Wei that contributed to the poetical breakthrough Pound made during this period. - Zhaoming Qian, Orientalism and Modernism, The legacy of China in Pound and Williams.
"All these coincidances mesh into one another in an endless Strange Loop that makes Finnegans Wake a model of the interconnectedness of all things asserted by bell's theorem in quantum mecahnics, 26 years after FW was published. - Robert Anton Wilson, Coincidance, P. 27
"My subject is poetry, not language, yet the roots of poetry are in language. In the study of a language so alien in form to ours as is Chinese in its written character, it is necessary to inquire how those universal elements of form which constitute poetics can derive appropriate nutriment. - Ernest Fenollosa, The Chinese written Character As A Medium For Poetry.
"What we now require is an empirically verifiable experiment confirmation of the idea of a modular wave-hierarchy in time, or of the importance of nucleic acid ESR for consciousness. - Terence and Dennis Mckenna, The Invisible Landscape.
"Obviously, the semantic importance of the present findings is not in the verbal approval alone, when that approval is not applied, but in the consistent and permanent instinctive aquisition of the new semantic attitude which involves a complete elimination of identification, allness, elementalism,. - Alfred Korzybski, Identification and Visualization, Science and Sanity P.455.
"Some researchers reported that after the moths suck the nectar of several flowers, "They seem clumsy when they land on the flowers and often miss the target and fall into the leaves or the soil. They right themselves slowly and awkwardly. When they take flight again, their movements are erratic, as if they were confused. But the moths seem to like this effect and return to suck more nectar from those flowers (Grant and Grant 1983, 281)." - Georgio Samorini, Animals and Psychedelics.
"And just as the Ïmorphological pathways of molecular biology also describes a genetic history, or genetic memory of themselves, so would those transversals intersecting in the triads H.C.E. and A.L.P. describe a genetic memory of the Wake. This suggests the further significance to textual genetics and genealogy of what has been called iterability and trace, and the relation of the genetic code (and of the genealogical will) to a particular play of memory. -
"In Little Russia the figure of Yarilo was laid in a coffin and carried through the streets after sunset surrounded by drunken women, who kept repeating mournfully, "He is dead! he is dead!" The men lifted and shook the figure as if they were trying to recall the dead man to life. Then they said to the women, "Women weep not. i know what is sweeter than honey." - James Frazer, The killing of the Tree spirit, The Golden Bough P. 319
For example, a description of what the Skeleton Key (p. 254) calls "the great World Tree . . . known to all mythologies" includes "clad in its wood, burqued by its bark" (503.36). This brings to mind the erica of Osiris, for burk is Swedish for "jar" or "container", here a mythical tree, encompassing the god. - Mark L. Troy, Mummeries of Resurrection -
"Though the calendar was not published until 1922, the calendar (and the seal) are obviously related to Pound's first elaborate prose manifesto, "I gather the limb's of OSIRIS." which speak's of gathering element's of world poetry in a circle around an individual center (Pound, the Eagle, or HORUS) and hence "Erecting" one's "Microcosmos" by arranging four "Distinct phases of consciousness." 76. Forrest Read, Page 53
"Helmingham Erechenwyne Rutter Egbert Crumwall Odin Maximus Esme Saxon Esa Vercingetorix Ethelwulf Rupprecht Ydwalla Bently Osmund Dysart Yggdrasselmann? - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake P. 78
"A change in language can
transform our apprehension of
the cosmos'
- Benjamin Lee Whorf.
"The cyclops, however, "Is" also soma, the "Not-born One-eye" the source of unitary vision. Therefore, while the giant (or dragon) may not appear as wise, nevertheless he frequently guards a "treasure" associated with wisdom or even soma, such as a golden fleece, golden apples, or simply gold. - Peter lamborn Wilson, Irish Soma.
"At the party at Weir's house, Campbell turned out to be the graying giant, over six feet tall, who dominated the room with his exuberence. As Garcia later put it, "Campbell was a superstar; in any party he was the guy. He had a wonderful ego; he wasn't bothered if you'd read him or not. For myself, i was just delighted to meet the guy who'd written A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake." - Mickey Hart, Drumming at the edge of Magic.
"the mussroomsniffer, - FW Pg. 142
"Though the calendar was not published until 1922, the calendar (and the seal) are obviously related to Pound's first elaborate prose manifesto, "I gather the limb's of OSIRIS." which speak's of gathering element's of world poetry in a circle around an individual center (Pound, the Eagle, or HORUS) and hence "Erecting" one's "Microcosmos" by arranging four "Distinct phases of consciousness." - Forrest Read, 76. One World and the Cantos of Ezra Pound P.53
"Tim Finnegan, a hod carrier, has too much to drink, falls from his ladder, is pronounced dead, and is taken home for a Wake. In typical Irish fashion, the mourners get roaring drunk, start to fight and heave whiskey bottles at each other, one whiskey bottle hits the coffin, and the corpse sits up crying "Bad luck to your souls. Did you think me dead? - Robert Anton Wilson, Coincidance. P. 9
"The curious relationship of certain moths to the flowers of the Datura plant led me to reevaluate the singular behaviour of the common housefly (Musca Domestica) when presented with Fly Agaric, or Amanita Muscaria (Samourini 1999) So long has the relationship been remarked on that the very name of the mushroom derives from the Latin word for fly, Musca. Another common name for the fungus is fly-killer, since the insects that are so enticed by it's cap fall "stone dead" after tasting it. - Giorgio Samourini, The Lazarus Fly: A new Hypothesis, Animals and Psychedelics.
"I have found it fruitful to "believe" in any origin (or complex of contradictory origins) precisely in the manner of the ancient mythographists-as meaning. To "believe" (to participate existentially) in this way is a non-exclusionary process, each origin is to be taken both literally and as a code that can be (partially) cracked, but also as a drifting point, an area of divine ambiguity. The palimpsest of all origins defines the structure of my explorations. Even science is welcome at this feast, so long as it can renounce its monopoly of interpretation (or refusal to interpret), its flaccid totalitarianism, its absurd paradigmatic hierarchies, its pathetic triumphalism, and its lack of playfulness. "Who really knows?" says the Rg Veda. The origin is a subject (or object) not for false reverence but for true reverie. - Peter lamborn wilson, Irish Soma, (pages 41-42) --
"The voice of nature in the forrest, where lily is a lady found the nettle rash" - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, P. 265,
"For Horus that is Lord of the Aeon is the Child crowned and conquering. The formula of Osiris was, as thou knowest, a Word of Death, that is, the Force lay long in Darkness, and by Putrifaction came to Resurrection. - Aleister Crowley, Liber Aleph, part 4. -
"The story proper bugins in the third paragraph, with the thunderclap that initiates Vico's first age, that of religion. It is also the Fall, of satan, of Adam, of HumptyDumpty and of Time Finnegan, the building labourer of the Victorian comic song, who inm death becomes a sleeping giant with his head at Howth and his upturned feet miles away in Phoenix Park. The rest of the chapter is about Finnegans and the wake held over his corpse, and about other giants. 'Giant's grave' is the Irish folk-name for a megalithic monument, cromlech, mehir and the like, many examples are mentioned in this chapter, besides 'stonengens' (005.31). There is a convenient list of legendary and historical giants in Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, which Joyce seems to have used. - Matthew Hodgart, James Joyce, A students guide P. 138
"if its origins are obscure, then the text of the Rig Veda is even more so, for it raises as many questions as it answers. It is an extraordinary work, with moments of poetic brilliance that still have the power to illuminate and electrify; and yet it is replete with idioms and metaphors that elude modern comprehension. Many deities are honored throughout - notably the thunderbolt-wielding Indra, and the fire god Agni - but one in particular, seemingly at once a god, a plant and an intoxicating drink, is signaled out by the ecstatic and rhapsodic nature of the hymns in his honor: the god Soma. In one hymn the author beseeches Soma to inflame him 'like a fire kindled by friction'; '... make us see far,' he implores, 'make us richer, better. For when i am intoxicated with you, Soma, i think myself richer, better. Elsewhere the poet cries out, 'We have drunk the Soma, we have become immortal ; we have gone to the light, we have found the gods.' - Andy Letcher, Shroom, page 142.
"The Vajra (which causes "mushrooms to grow and itself resembles a mushroom) is also the weapon whereby the strongholds are cloven (cf. Vrtras Castle) and the waters released. The waters are also the watery lunar months. The sacrifice creates the year. The soma priest draws twelve or thirteen cups of liquid, representing the months for "the seasons, the year, are everything; he thus produces everything." Without soma no time, no becoming. - Peter Lamborn Soma, Irish soma. pg 91.
"The two passages in the Pyramid texts that caught my attension as being suggestive of a sacred-mushroom rite are known as Utterences 300, 301. I carefully examined this passage in the original hieroglyphs, and in French, german, and English translations. Only the original picture writing of the hieroglyphs suggests in a veiled fashion a mushroom practice. This is comparable to the problum of the Syrian seal in the thirteenth chapter, page 154, which i have deciphered as a mushroom ritual representation - Andrija Puharich, The Sacred Mushroom, Appendix 3.
"To the ancient Egyptian, believing in the potential immortality of the body, this was as if Osiris had been murdered a second time. Isis was forced to resume her quest, and eventually gathered together thirteen of the pieces. The fourteenth, the phallus of Osiris, had been devoured by a fish or crab, and Isis had to replace it with an artificial member - Mark L. Troy
"In this section you first check where does the natural state come from and who is coming? The method to check this is, when a thought comes without planning, to ask the question whether it comes from existence or non-existence. Look into where it comes from. If you think it comes from existence and the external realms, say from the earth, mountains or houses, or from the internal realms inside the body or brains, then check each possibility individually. Check them and go back to these items. If you do this where can you find the source?" - Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen, Heart Drops of Dharmakaya, Dzogchen Practice of the Bon Tradition.
"I'm your Virgin Bunny. Every man wants a Virgin Bunny, to eat on Easter to celebrate the miracle of the Resurrection. Do you understand the miracle of the Resurrection, sir? Do you know that nothing is true and everything is permissible - Virgin Bunny, Illuminatus Trilogy
"however, in the currently used chinese characters for "the plant of Immortality" we have the word, LING CHIH. LING in this context means spirit, or divine. Does LING derive from the archaic heiroglyph for tree, LIN? We do not know. CHIH definitely means mushroom. Now we are able to draw a comparison between the Chinese words given for a mushroom, and the Ra Ho Tep personality word for a mushroom. Both languages make use of a hieroglyph for a "tree" in the representation of a mushroom. - Andrija Puharich, The Sacred Mushroom P. 140
Our dynasty came in because of a great sensibility.
All there by the time of 1 Yin
All roots by the time of 1 Yin.
Galileo index'd 1616
Wellington's peace after Vaterloo
a gnomon,
Our science is from watching the shadows;
That queen Bess translated Ovid,
Cleopatra wrote of the currency,
Versus who scatter old records
ignoring the hsien form - Ezra Pound, Canto LXXXV, Section: Rock Drill De Los Cantares LXXXV-XCV
"Cropherb the crunchbraken shall decide. Then
we'll know if the feast is a flyday. She has a gift of seek on site
and she allcasually ansars helpers, the dreamydeary. - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake P.5
"The scientist will increase his errors in proportion to the neglect of his own system of sensory perception and awareness, He must know how he himself functions when he percieves and thinks - Wilhelm Reich, Ether, God and the Devil.
"The character of the mushroom experience is almost entirely that of understanding. We suggest that this understanding may be the amplified appearance, at the level of a higher cortical experience, of the DNA electron spin resonance. The Stropharia mushroom is an evidently nontoxic and easily applied tool for intensifying the phenomenon associated with gaining access to the atemporal unconscious. This case for utilization is like much else about the mushroom that partakes of the Siren's Song. - Terence and Dennis Mckenna, 'Mind, Molecules and Magic', Invisible Landscape.
The mysteries of SOMA and AMRITA, the efficatious properties of the magical/sacramental/transformational foods and drinks of Hinduism and Buddhism. -
Surrection! Eireweeker to the wohld bludyn world. O rally, O rally, O
rally! Phlenxty, O rally! To what lifelike thyne of the bird can
be. Seek you somany matters. Haze sea east to Osseania. Here! - F.W , P. 593
"The storyteller and the media's mediator between mechanization and human communication prefigure the fundamental social fragmentation which occurs and mirrors the way in which language itself as a tool or instrument is a machine." - Donald and Joan Theall, Beyond Media" php?id=1605&article=1138&mode=pdf
"The revival as a sequal to the death is enacted in the first of the ceremonies described, the death and resurrection of Kostrubonko. The reason why in some of these Russian ceremonies the death of the spirit of vegetation is celebrated at midsummer may be that the decline of summer is dated from Midsummer Day, after which the days begin to shorten, and the sun sets out on his downward journey: "To the darksome hollows Where the frosts of winter lie." - Sir James Frazer,
"The solid newtonian universe involving such imutable concepts as mass, force, momentum, and inertia has long been repealed. The dull, dependable, predictable predictable general motors universe has been transformed into shimmering quantum electronic posibilities. it seems that it all comes down to programs, information, and rhythms - endlessly complexifyingf with unpredictable results. In other words John Coltrane. - Timothy Leary and R.U Sirius, Design for dying, pub. Thorsons 1997.
"Those who are acquainted with this simple technique of resurrecting the dead (which is at least partially successful in all cases and totally successful in most) will have no trouble in skrying the esoteric connotations of the Sacred Chao— or of the Taoist yin-yang or the astrological sign of cancer. The method almost completely reverses that of the pentagrams, right or left, and it can even be said that in a certain sense it was not Osiris himself but his brother, Set, symbolically understood, who was the object of Isis's magical workings. In every case, without exception, a magical or mystical symbol always refers to one of the very few* variations of the same, very special variety of human sacrifice: the "one eye opening" or the "one hand clapping"; and this sacrifice cannot be partial— it must culminate in death if it is to be efficacious. - Illuminatus, Page 454
"In other words, the genealogical will remains entangled in, and dependent upon, the very (technological) structures that it requires to be reduced, and in this sense the movement of epistemic discourse always takes the form of a quest, detour or riverrun. -
"As the frog who would a-wooing go, the Mookse sets out for Ireland, where he find sour grapes hanging from his tree. The heroic contention of these antagonists is any between Shaun and Shem. That the grapes became the Fox at times is no more than we might expect; for both antagonists are parts of H.C.E, who, as fox, is both hunter and quarry - this, that or anything. - William York Tindall, A readers guide to Finnegans Wake.
"Sovereignty is a bride, the server of a powerful drink, and the drink itself - Peter Lamborn Wilson, Irish Soma Page 116
'Time Timeagen, Wake! - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake. P.359
"Two extremes of redundancy in English prose are represented by Basic English and by James Joyce’s book “Finnegans Wake”. The Basic English vocabulary is limited to 850 words and the redundancy is very high. This is reflected in the expansion that occurs when a passage is translated into Basic English. Joyce on the other hand enlarges the vocabulary and is alleged to achieve a compression of semantic content. - Claude shannon, Mathematical theory of communication.
"Our ancestors built the accumulations of metaphor into structures of language and into systems of thought. - Ernest Fenollosa.
"The tremdous final page of "The Dead" gathers meanings into rhythm and image. Never was page, even in Joyce, more masterly. but "lily," the first word of the story, is a greater and mere astonishing concentration. Taken literally, Lily is the name of a bitter servant; but a lily, white as snow, serves at funnerals and at the ceremony of resurrection at easter. - William York Tindall, Dubliners, Readers guide to James Joyce.
"over the millennia, man's languages have suffered from what i call interspecies deprivation. There has been no one else to talk to. hence, the human species has become narcissistic, preoccupied with its own logic or the lack of the same. Thus, the human species is isolated in a box whose dimensions we are beginning to see and beginning to describe in a qualitative and quantitative way. As yet we have no doorway out of this anthropocentric, anthropomorphic box. Let us now discuss the possibility that there exist languages that we do not yet know, used for communication of our particular "human box." - John C. Lilly, Communication between man and Dolphin. P. 147
"The alchemical marriage of Surya/sun/fire and Soma/moon/water serves, in fact, as an extended metaphor for the ceremony of soma itself, whereby the initiate is reborn as the child "Embryo of light" of this union describing the sun and moon, the hymnodist writes: These two change places through their power of illusion, now forward, now backward. Like two children at play trder of the season's. - Peter Lamborn Wilson, Irish Soma, Page 107.
"In China's vernacular fiction, in its ballards and stories, no magic tricks are more popular than those involving the Hidden period. Through their knowledge of that calendrical technique, the heroes of the past knew how to confound their enemies, to travel in a flash to distant places, and, best of all, to enter normally inaccessible realms of time and space and thus render themselves invisible to the outside world. - Wang Hsiu-huei and Kristofer Schipper, Progressive and Regressive Time Cycles in Taoist Ritual.
"Like Joyce, Vico believed that poetry arose out of creative etymology ("incorrect etymology," in Academese). Like Joyce - and also Whorf and Korzybski - Vico believed in a radical change in language could alter our percieved reality tunnels. - Robert Anton Wilson, Coincidance P. 22
"Ethology is the science of animal behaviour, ethnobotany studies human uses for plants, and ethnopharmacognosy is the science of human use of drug plants. Ethnozoopharmacognosy is the study of man's use of animals as medicines - bugs as drugs." - Georgio Samorini, Animals and Psychedelics.
"I really believe our evolutionary past holds the key to our evolutionary future, and drugs and computers are just two ends of a spectrum. The only difference between them is that one is too large to swallow. And our best people are working on that. - Terrence Mckenna, Magic mushrooms - edited by Paul Krassner.
"The strong bond between rebirth, the dawn and Egyptian theology which is found in FW is well illustrated by a passage taken from 593.23, "Pu Nuseht, lord of risings in the yonderworld of Ntamplin, tohp triumphant, speaketh". Mr. Atherton has observed that "Pu Nuseht" is "the sun up" written backward, in a parody of Middle Egyptian, and also that "triumphant" is Budge's word for a person who has overcome the power of death (Books, p. 193). - Mark L Troy.
"We write "Anno Domini 1951." This means that we measure time from a centre. This centre determines the time that follows it, and the time which preceded it strove toward this centre. Our historical numbering of the years tacitly presupposes a caesura between the era before the birth of Christ and the era which came after it. Our history is oriented toward a centre. - Joseph Campbell, Quispel, P.85
"Shize? I should shee! Macool, Macool, orra whyi deed ye diie?
of a trying thistay mournin? Sobs they sighdid at Fillagain's chrissormiss wake - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake P.5
Christ will seem unique only to the oriental mind only if it can be made certain that his life, and death, his resurrection and ascension, constitute the supreme analogy of metaphysical realization. - Alan Watts, Involution and Evolution, The Supreme identity.
"Answer: The Morphios!" - FW 142
"The most important symbol of Osiris' reconstitution and resurrection was the red wooden pillar known as the Tet (Gods, II, 125) or Tjet, Djed, Ded or Dad. This potent device probably carried a number of meanings for the ancient Egyptians over the thousands of years it was reverenced. There is general agreement among Egyptologists that the Tet was a wooden pillar of some sort, and it may have been the stylized representation of a tree, perhaps that in which the body of Osiris had been concealed. Boylan, in Thoth, the Hermes of Egypt expresses the belief that, in the mysteries of Osiris, the god himself was worshipped in the form of a tree (Boylan, p. 15). I think this is echoed by the word "mysttetry" as found at 60.19: "Sankya Moondy played his mango tricks under the mysttetry". Immediately evident here, as the Skeleton Key points out (p. 66), is Sankyamundi and his bodhitree. Knowing the meaning of the Tet, we can see that the tree of Buddha is made one here with the pillar tree of Osiris, the mystery-tet-tree. - Mark L. Troy, Mummeries of Resurrection -
"An investigation into the historical role of the fly agaric mushroom as a Buddhist sacrament, and Amrita: Buddha’s Entheogenic Sacrament, (in Entheos Vol. IV, forthcoming). -
"Soma had to have been the fly agaric, for no other drug had ever been recycled in this manner." This radical idea gained immediate support in influential quarters, and not just from within Wasson's inner circle of collaborators: Roger Heim, Richard Evans Schultes and Albert Hoffmann. The imposing French founder of structural anthropology , Claude Levi Strauss, was won over, as was the great Cambridge sinologist Joseph Needham, who followed Wasson by suggesting that knowledge of Soma has been spread overland into China, to be employed by the ancient and medieval Taoists in their eternal quest for immortality. The American anthropologist Western La Barre, whose own ideas resonated with Wassons, wrote enthusiastically about the latters methods and conclusions. - Andy Letcher, Shroom, Pg. 145
"The soma sacrifice "is" soma because he is an intoxicated god. he offers the oblation (he obliterates) soma as sacrifice to the intoxicated god who is some himself: a continual circulation or Ourabouros of soma from itself to itself, from dissappearance to re:appearance, from theft to rescue. From the pure light of this whirling mandala emerges the logolanguages as divine intoxication, poetry as joy." - Irish Soma, page 136.
"I suspect that Baal Zabul was an autumnal Dionysus, whose devotees intoxicated themselves on amanita muscaria, which still grows there; the Biblical name for these toadstools being either 'ermrods' or 'little foxes'. By the time of jesus, who was accused of traffic with Beelzebub, the Kingdoms of Israel and Philistia had long been suppressed and the shrines of Ekron and Tabor destroyed; and Baal-Zebul's functions having been taken over by the archangel Gabriel, he had declined to a mere devil mockingly called Baal-Zebub, 'Lord of Flies'." - Robert Graves, The White Goddess P. 440
"Infantilism incresing till our time,
attension to outlet, no attension to source,
That is: the problem of issue. - Ezra Pound, Canto LXXXVII
"AGER is the root of an old Latin word for a mushroom used by Pliny, AGARICUM. This word is still in common use to designate certain mushrooms as the "agarics", and the Amanita Muscaria is called fly agaric in textbooks today. In order to find out if the agaric was in any way related to the root AG as it might apply to the Amanita Muscaria, i turned to one of the earliest references on the subject, The Syriac Book of Medicines, edited by Sir E. A Wallis Budge. This manuscript was probably written in the twelfth century of our era, and contains prescriptions from Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian sources. That the text reflects medical ideas existing long before the Christian era is shown by some of the prescriptions which bear a resemblance to those in the Ebers Papyrus of ancient Egypt. - Andrija Puharich, The Sacred Mushroom.
"Consciousness expanding plants and mushrooms are key to the origins of humanity itself and the inspiration for religious thought, influencing humanity since remotest history through the present and surely into the future. Before taking this conceptual leap from the influence of psychoactive drugs on human culture to their influence on the species evolution, we must ask what distinguishes human from animal awareness, and is it such a greater distinction at all? - Giorgio Samorini, Animals and Psychedelics, P. IX.
"All subjects may be looked at from (two points of view),-- from that and from this. If I look at a thing from another's point of view, I do not see it; only as I know it myself, do I know it. Hence it is said, 'That view comes from this; and this view is a consequence of that:'-- which is the theory that that view and this-- (the opposite views)-- produce each the other. Although it be so, there is affirmed now life and now death; now death and now life; now the admissibility of a thing and now its inadmissibility; now its inadmissibility and now its admissibility. (The disputants) now affirm and now deny; now deny and now affirm. Therefore the sagely man does not pursue this method, but views things in the light of (his) Heaven (-ly nature), and hence forms his judgment of what is right. - Chuang Tzu,
"The lame King is frequently connected with the mysteries of smithcraft. Jacob was connected with the cult of the Kenite smith-god; Talus in one account was son, or maternal nephew, to Smith Daedalus, in another was forged in the furnace of Smith Hephaestus. Dionysis, because of his titles pyrigenes and ignigena ('engendered by fire') - a reference to the autumnal Toadstool-Dionysis engendered by lightning - may have been equated with Talus in this sense. Wieland the Scandinavian Smith-god, was lamed by a women. - Robert Graves, The White Goddess P. 330
'O, Cripes, i'm drownded!" Daedalus no more, he is Icarus now, the son of Daedalus who, trying to fly on farthers wings, went to near the sun and fell into the sea. - William York Tindall, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man, Readers guide to James Joyce.
"There is a strong connection between soma and the calendar - the year, the month's, the meter's, the measures of time. The sacrifice seem's to create or reenact the creation of the year (order) out of chaos (the primal nowever, the once-upon-a-time myth, the dreamtime)" - Irish SoMA, Peter Lamborn Wilson."
"In order for these contrary values (good/evil, true/false, essence/appearance, inside/outside, etc.) to be in opposition, each of the terms must be simply external to the other, which means that one of these oppositions (the opposition between inside and outside) must already be accredited as the matrix of all possible opposition. -
"The first main argument goes: nature exhibits great regularity, whereas chance definition involves an absence of regularity, as we saw above. So what happens naturally cannot be a matter of chance, and must therefore be purposive - J.L Ackrill, Teleology, Aristotle' the philosopher, Explanation in natural science. P. 41.
"The implications for education are very important. If we wish to develop the full powers of the minds of the young, early and continuous exposure to the best metered verse would be essential; for the higher human values, the cognitive abilities of generalization and pattern-recognition, the positive emotions such as love and peacefulness, and even a sophisticated sense of time and timing, are all developed by poetry. - Frederick Turner & Ernst Pöppel, 2001, Neural Lyre,
"further indication is a uniquely functional use of varied pictorial images: ideograms of varied sizes, placings, and arrangements, principally axes; the four suits of the Seal/Calendar arcanum; plainsong musical notation; a hieroglyphic picture, motto, and repeated seal; and a Sumerian seal visibly suggesting the American. (The pictures will culminate in Thrones in a picture of the temple and in the raw materials out of which the Sumerian seal was constituted.) - Forest Read, 76, P.349
"So there you are now there they were, when all was over
again, the four with them, setting around upin their judges'
chambers, in the muniment room, of their marshalsea, under the
suspices of Lally, around their old traditional tables of the law
like Somany Solans to talk it over rallthesameagain. - FW, page 94.
"James Joyce playfully celebrates Anna's universality in his Anna Livia Plurabelle. And indeed if one needs a simple, inclusive name for the Great Goddess, Anna is the best choice. To Christian mystics she is 'God's Grandmother.' - Robert Graves, The White Goddess, The waters of styx P.364
"Our theory is one of a progressive spiral involution of time toward a concrescence, rather than a theory of a static hierarchy of waves, eternally expressed on many levels. This is because the terminal positions in the King Wen wave naturally quantify as zero states." - Terrence and Dennis Mckenna, Time change and becoming, Invisible landscape. P. 187
"It is hardly surprising that the tribes considered the reindeer to be great spirits," psychologist Roger Taylor has commented. "What other animal could satisfy simultaneously both hunger and the desire for ecstatic experience?' He speculates that observing the reindeer may have led the tribespeople to learn of the urine secret in the first place. Perhaps this interspecies interaction, involving mushroom, deer, and human being, lies at the heart of an archaic, virtually universal shamanic motif - the shaman wearing a deerskin and deer-antlered headgear. - Paul Devereux, The Long Trip.
"Christ will seem unique to the oriental mind only if it can be made certain that his life, and death, his resurrection and ascension, constitute the supreme analogy of metaphysical realization." - Alan Watts, Involution and Evolution, The Supreme Identity.
"Shaking followed by lying down and then standing up again after a certain period of time is something that happens to many human beings who have consumed drugs of various types, yet we cannot, for this reason, affirm that the most significant effect of these drugs is that of shaking, falling down and getting up again. - Giorgio Samourini, Animals and Psychedelics. P. 12
"What morals, if any can be drawn from Diarmuid and Grania? Rarely equal and distinct in all things. Do you approve of our Existing Parliamentary System? The Uses and Abuses of Insects, A visit to 'Guinness Brewery, Clubs, Advantages of the Penny Post, When is a Pun not a Pun? Is the Co-Education of Animus and Anima Wholly Desirable? What happened at Clontarf? - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, P. 265
"For instance, the celebrated conversation between the Hellenistic king "Milinda" and the monk Nagasena relates a parable in which the Buddha is alleged to have established shops of various kinds including a flower shop, a perfume shop, a fruit shop, a medicine shop, a herb shop, an “ambrosia” (i.e. amrita) shop, a jewellery shop and a general store. Each of these in turn is then described and interpreted symbolically. Here is the description of "The Ambrosia-shop of the Buddha" -
"1919: began investigating causes of war,
to oppose same." - Ezra Pound
"'Method' is that aspect of the search for structure which deals with the most expedient means for finding structure. Since words are not the things we speak about, the study of linguistic structure becomes a most important research method. The more languages (theories) we have for analysis and structural comparison, the more glimpses do we get at the structure of the world. The newer quantum mechanics give us enormous material of a linguistic, structural, and semantic character. - Alfred Korzybki, Science and Sanity.
"We are now in a position to get rid of the 150 sovereignties and have a recirculatory, interacommadative, world-around democratic system. - Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path. P. 287
"Achievement of the zero state can be imagined to arrive in one of two forms. One is the dissolution of the cosmos in an actual cessation and unraveling of natural laws, a literal apocalypse. The other possibility takes less for granted from the mythologems associated with the collective transformation and entry into concrescence and hews more closely to the idea that concrescence, however miraculous it is, is still a culmination of a human process, a process of toolmaking, which comes to completion in the perfect artifact: the monadic self, exeriorized, condensed, and visible in three dimensions, in alchemical terms, the dream of a union of spirit and matter. - Terence and Dennis Mckenna, The Invisible Landscape.
"O nobly-born, on the outer circle of these five pair of Dhyani Buddhas, the [four] Door-Keepers, the wrathful [ones]: the Victorious One, the destroyer of the Lord of Death, the Horse-necked King, the Urn of Nectar; with the four female Door-Keepers: the Goad-Bearer, the Noose-Bearer, the Chain-Bearer, and the Bell-Bearer, along with the Buddha of the Devas, named the One of Supreme Power, the Buddha of the Asuras, named [He of] Strong texture, the Buddha of Mankind, named the Lion of the Shakyas, the buddha of the brute kingdom, named the Unshakable lion, the Buddha of the Pretas, named the One of Flamming Mouth, and the Buddha of the Lower World, named King of truth: -[these], the eight Farther-Mother Door-Keepers and the Six Teachers, the victorious Ones--will come to shine, too." - Bardo of Karmic illusions, The Tibetan Book of the Dead.
"The forces which produce the branch-angles of an oak lay potent in the acorn. Similar lines of resistance, half curbing the out-pressing vitalities, govern the branching of rivers and of nations. Thus a nerve, a wire, a roadway, and a clearing-house are only varying channels which communication forces for itself. This is more than analogy, it is identity of structure. - Ernest Fenollosa, The Chinese written character as a medium for poetry.
"Her hair's as brown as ever it was. And wivvy and wavy.
repose you now! Finn no more! - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake.
"The "great sensibility" enables those who can to see LING an axis rooted in heaven and passing through four raindrops or clouds, three mouths, and two human figures inside a workshop, to become rooted in earth. Conversely it builds up to heaven. It symbolizes the Mandate of Heaven delivered in the form of the four suits to be realized by the Calendar phrase. As such it symbolizes the front of the seal overlaying the back and the branches overlaying the Powers." - Forest Read, 76, Shu 85 P. 357
"kluver figured that there was a basic set of structural forms behind this phantasmagoria, but he was not the first to think so. Knauer and Maloney had already identified a sequence "characteristic of all the poisonings": "...wavy lines, mosaics; carpets, floral designs, ornaments, wood carving; windmills; monuments; mausoleums; panoranic landscapes; statuesque men and animals; finally scenes picturing episodes in a connected manner." - Paul devereux, Drawing conclusions on the wall, The Long Trip. P. 145
"The populace took part in a re-creation of the life, death and rebirth of the god; identification with each individual character was intense. Through the cycle of the god, Osiris played many roles: he was the civilizing king, the treacherously murdered brother, the judge of the dead, the avenged father. As an affirmation of the life force, he was also seen as the power of germinating nature, soul of the grain. - Mark L Troy, Mummies and Resurrection.
"Russian anthropologist Vladmir Borgoras observed Chukchi tribesman take of his snowshoes after eating some mushroom and deliberately walk for hours through the deep snow just for the sheer pleasure of conducting tireless exercise. This early stage of Amanita Muscaria intoxication is clearly preserved in the Koryak myth, in which their cultural hero, Big raven, found himself unable to carry a heavy bag of provisions. He implored the great deity Vahiyinin ("existence") to help him, and was told to go to a certain place where he would find spirits called wapaq who would give him the strength to complete his task. At the appointed place Vahiyin spat upon the ground, and where his spittle fell little white plants appeared. They had red hats that the god's saliva had dappled with white. These were the wapaq, and Big Raven was told to eat them. On doing so, Big Raven felt charged with strength and energy and was able to lift the bag with ease. Big raven entreated the wapaq to live forever on the earth, instructing his children that they should learn whatever wapaq had to teach them. - Paul Devereux, The long trip, P. 65
"From meditation on books and libraries, that is, Stephan Dedalus turns to the message in a bottle, reaching it through a riot of audile-tactile-olfactory experience carefully counterpointed with the subjective vistas of authors, libraries, and literary immortality. - Marshal McLuhan, The Gutenburg Galaxy.
"LING Our dynasty came in because of a great sensibility. - Ezra Pound, Canto LXXXV
"Morgan-Kara was a Siberian shaman. he was so powerful that he could rescue souls from anywhere, even from heaven and hell. So nobody was getting to heaven because Morgan-Kara was curing everybody. Well, God didn't like that. "I'll get this guy," he said. So he took a woman's soul, put it in a bottle, and put his thumb over the top. Suddenly God heard a drumbeat, and up through the hole in the sky came Morgan-Kara. He saw that God had the soul in a bottle. Instantly he turned into a fly. - Drumming at the edge of Magic, P. 46.
"and there's a psychiatrist in New York, Puharich, who claims it actually induces telepathy. Most of that is rubbish of course, but amanita certainly is the strongest mind-altering drug in the world. If the kids ever latch onto it, LSD will seem like a tempest in a teapot by comparison." - Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, Illuminatus Trilogy. P 297
"I may have been influenced by James Joyce who had made Dublin the hero of his book. I had been reading Ulysses. But i forgot about Joyce and fell in love with my city. ... I took the river as it followed its course down to the sea; all i had to do was follow it and i had a poem. - William Carlos Williams, i wanted to write a poem, p.71-73.
"The Chinese Written Character as a medium for poetry insists that the ideogram, and by extension all true poetry, "agrees with science and not with logic". That is, the Chinese sign is built up out of a series of root perceptions, each of which retains, through a kind of visual onomatopoeia, an intimate link to a natural process. The defence of the ideogram throughout The Chinese Written Character is based upon its supposedly closer relationship to nature than our arbitrary, conventionalized system of alphabetic writing. - Micheal Bernstein, The Tale of the Tribe, P. 38
"We have speculated that the vacuum fluctuation of space-time is a holographic modular hierarchy whose individual levels posses properties in common with the King Wen sequence of the I Ching and morphology of DNA. - Terence and Dennis Mckenna, Invisible Landscape.
"Thus it is possible to formulate the following hypothesis: Given that flies are attracted to Fly Agaric and thast when they are intoxicated by it their movements slow down to the point of paralysis, toads may have learned this and may, when they come across one of these mushrooms, sit under or nearby it and wait for easy prey, just as the predators of the moths wait for them to fall intop their mouths beneath the Datura blooms." - Giorgio Samorini, Animals and Psychedelics. Pg 75
"I phoned Alice in New York, and reported my findings on the crytogram she had sent to me. I pointed out that the hieroglyphs were indeed Egyptian but that they raised the question of how Harry Stone had come to write them. Did they come out of his own personal experience? Was this some sort of fraud? Or was he showing an unusual form of sensitivity? These questions called for a further investigation" - Andrija Puharich, The Sacred mushroom.
"Thus, the goal of the artist is to transfer what is depicted to the "sphere of new perception"; as an example, Viktor Shlovskij cites a story by Tolstoy in which social customs and institutions are "made strange" by the device of presenting them from the viewpoint of a narrator who happens to be a horse" - Noam Chomsky, Language and Mind, Linguistic contributions to the study of mind.
"The larynx in the dolphin is rather long and narrow and is inserted across the foodway into the nasopharynx up against the bony nasal septum." - John Lilly, Communication between man and Dolphin.
"I wish to develope my hypothesis further by proposing the following idea: What if DNA, stimulated by nicotine or dimethyltryptamine, activates not only the emission of photons (which inundate our consciousness in the form of hallucinations), but also its capacity to pick up the photons emitted by the global network of DNA-based life? This would mean that the biosphere itself, which can be considered "as a more or less fully interlinked unit," is the source of the images. - Jeremy Narby, Cosmic Serpent. P. 131
"As for the foundation stone of Wasson's grand argument, the supposition that the Arayan's brought the fly-agaric cult with them, scholars have been unable to agree on exactly who they were or exactly where in Europe they were supposed to have originated. - Andy Letcher, Shroom, Page 151
"Ethnozoopharmacognosy is the study of man's use of animals as medicines - bugs as drugs. Drugs of animal origin include serum vaccines, hormones, aphrodisiac beetles (spanish fly), immunostimulating ants, cod liver oil, deer musk, cat civet, psychoactive toad venoms, dream fish, and toxic honeys. These are things that people use. Animals also seek out drugs in their enviroment for medicinal use, such as purgative grasses. - Giorgio Samorini, Animals and Psychedelics, foreward page X"
"And the lesson is the very basis of solid banking. The credit rests in ultimate on the abundance of nature, on the growing grass that can nourish the living sheep." Ezra Pound, Selected Prose P. 270.
"In order to be able to deal with such quantities as are involved in the measurement of motion, time, velocity, etc., or indeed in the quantitative analysis of any physical phenomena, it is neccessary to have some system or systems of reference with respect to which measurements can be made. let us consider any set of things consisting of objects and any kind of physical quantities whatever, as electric charges or magnets or light-sources or telescopes or other objects and instruments, each of which is at rest with respect to each of the others. Let us suppose that among the objects are clocks, to be used for measuring time, and rods or rules to be used for measuring length, and that time and length may be measured at any desired instant and any assigned place. Such a set of objects and quantities and instruments, including the equipment for measuring time and length, all being at rest relatively to each other, we shall call a system of reference. - R.D Carmichael, The Logic of Relativity. Appendix from Science and Sanity.
"Medbs name is cognate with the Welsh meddw, "drunk" and related to the English word mead. She is "The intoxicating one. medb letherderg was the daughter of Conon of Cuala, and an old poem says that no one will be king over Ireland unless the ale of Cuala comes to him. Referring to the water she gives Niall from the the well. Sovereignty says: "smooth shall be the draught from the royal horn, twill be mead, twill be honey, twill be strong ale. (in another tale) Conn is confronted with sovereignty in a vision. This time the king does not mate with her, but she serves him with food and drink called Derg Flaith, a name which can mean both "red Ale" and "red Sovereignty." She then continues to "give" the cup to a long line of future kings whose names and reigns are annonced by her consort, Lug son of Ethniu. Sovereignty is a bride, the server of a powerful drink, and the drink itself." - Peter Lamborn Wilson, Irish Soma. P. 116
"For all their faults. I am passing out. O bitter ending!" - James Joyce, FW, P.540
"We indicated in preceding chapters that drugs are used by the lower orders of animals, such as insects and mollusks. This fact - that drug use is encountered in animals considered low on the evolutionary hierarchy - is disconcerting to many ethologists and biologists, since the biological chasm between higher and lower orders has been generally considered enormous. This gap has been thought to include the structure and complexity of the nervous system. Yet some species of moth with long, specialized proboscises are uniquely adapted to suck the nectar from the flowers of the datura, a plant of the Solanaceae family that is notoriously hallucinogenic for human beings. - Georgio Samorini, Animals and Psychedelics.
"Strangely enough," reported Claudio Naranjo, "tigers, leopards, or jaguars were seen by severn of the subjects even though big cats are not seen in Chile." Some subjects reported other equally alien serpents and reptiles. Serpent forms and large cats, notably the jaguar, feature prominently in Indian yage visions. - Paul Devereux, The Long Trip P. 249
"the lion in the teargarten remebers . . ." - James Joyce, FW, P. 75
"Thus no matter how we encode the binary digits to obtain the signal, or how we decode the received signal to recover the message, the discrete rate for the binary digits does not exceed the channel capacity we have defined. - Claude Shannon.
"Our cubehouse still rocks as earwitness to the thunder" - James Joyce, FW P. 5
"Neither Bloom nor earwicker own dogs, but they each own a cat. - Robert Anton Wilson, Conicidance P. 76
"Every once in a while a meal of flies containing these drugs was fed to spiders of the genus Zilla x notata, which were then observed building their webs while in a mind altered state. Under the influence of LSD the webs were characteristically arabesque, while caffine-affected webs appeared angular, with sharp corners and large empty spaces that rendered them useless; under the influence of hashish, the webs were functional, but they were only partially filled in. (Stafford 1979)" - Giorgio Samorini, Animals and Psychedelics.
"When we confuse the orders of abstractions and ascribe objective reality to terms and symbols, or confuse conclusions and inferences with descriptions., a great deal of semantic suffering is produced. - Alfred Korzybski, Un-sanity versus sanity, VII. The Mechanism of Time Binding, P. 499, Science and Sanity.
"Take the encloded copy of this letter. Cut along the lines. rearrange putting section one by section three and section two by section four. Now read aloud and you will hear My voice. - William S. Burroughs To Alan Ginsberg June 21st 1960. YAGE LETTERS.
"The cycle, for example, of day and night is everywhere, except in the polar regions, so short and hence so frequent that men probably soon ceased to discompose themselves seriously as to the chance it failing to recur, though the ancient Egyptians, as we have seen, daily wrought enchantments to bring back to the east in the morning the fiery orb which had sunk at evening in the crimson west. - Sir james Frazer, The Golden Bough P. 321
"News, news all the news. Death, a leopard, kills fellah in fez. Angry scenes at stormount. Stilla Star with her lucky in goingaways. Opportunity fair with the China floods and we hear these rosy rumours. - James Joyce, FW P. 24
"The very language in the passage displays the interplay inherent in the "aural reading". Such a strategy is requisite to realizing the complex significance of "decorded," which results from the "aural reading" which brings out the counter-point between "coded" and "decorded" to unmask the concealed,"decoded" message. - Donald and Joan Theall, Beyond Media, McLuhan and Joyce. php?id=1605&article=1138&mode=pdf
"It may well be that the rise of utilitarian education for the working and middle classes, together with a loss of traditional folk poetry, had a lot to do with the success of political and economic tyranny in our times. The masses, starved of the beautiful and complex rhythms of poetry, were only too susceptible to the brutal and simplistic rhythms of the totalitarian slogan or advertising jingle. An education in verse will tend to produce citizens capable of using their full brains coherently, able to unite rational thought and calculation with values and commitment. - Frederick Turner & Ernst Pöppel, Neural Lyre.
"Although there were many accounts of the voyage, the mushroom was not brought back. Wasson believed that the report of this fungus sought by Shih-Hung was Soma and that it had reached the Emperor by sea route from India. -
"It is worth note that the enlightenment resulting from medicines is here equated to immortality. This accords both with the literal meaning of amrita ("deathlessness") and with the legendary properties of soma. -"
"Another set piece, by no means as poetic as Mutt and Jute, introduces the Tristan theme: the Prankquean (21-23) is Brangwen or Brangane who is responsible for mixing up the love-potion (21.27 lovespots) and the death potion in the opera: they both look like a pint of Guinness; hence the thematic riddle 'Mark the Wans, why do i am alook alike a poss of porterpease? (19-20). - Matthew Hodgart, James Joyce A students Guide P. 139
"Do animals persue psychoactive drugs for the same reasons we humans do? if animals, birds, and, yes, even insects avail themselves of inebriation, then we must see this as a natural impulse to take drugs to alter consciousness, and it exists in man as well." - Rob Montgomery, Foreward to Animals and Psychedelics: the natural world and its instinct to alter consciousness.
"The popular merrymaking at this season included foot0races, and boat-races; the Tiber was gay with flower-wreathed boats, in which the young folk sat quaffing wine. The festival appears to have been a sort of midsummer Saturnalia answering to the real saturnalia which fell at midwinter. - Sir james Frazer, The Golden Bough.
"Soma had to have been the fly agaric, for no other drug had ever been recycled in this manner." This radical idea gained immediate support in influential quarters, and not just from within Wasson's inner circle of collaborators: Roger Heim, Richard Evans Schultes and Albert Hoffmann. The imposing French founder of structural anthropology , Claude Levi Strauss, was won over, as was the great Cambridge sinologist Joseph Needham, who followed Wasson by suggesting that knowledge of Soma has been spread overland into China, to be employed by the ancient and medieval Taoists in their eternal quest for immortality. The American anthropologist Western La Barre, whose own ideas resonated with Wassons, wrote enthusiastically about the latters methods and conclusions. - Andy Letcher, Shroom, Pg. 145
"We have noted how songs, music, and decorative art of many traditional societies are said to originate with hallucinogenic experience. With assistance of a musicologist, Marlene Dobkin de Rios studied the music from ayahuasca sessions held by rain forest indians, and found that it played a crucial role in brindging ordinary and non-ordinary realms of consciousness. That will not come as a great surprise to many people in our own societies, but what a rich field of inquiry beckons here! With new, extensive studies, we might find that psychedelic experience could unleash a new renaissance of creativity. - Paul Devereux, The long trip.
"Anna was, livia is, Plurabelle's to be. - James Joyce FW, P. 187
"G's own work during this time, that is, from 1922, was dedicated chiefly to the developement of methods of studying rhythm and plastics. He never stopped working the whole time on his ballet, bringing into it the dances of various dervishes and Sufis and recalling by memory the music he had listened to in Asia many years before - P.D Ouspensky, In search of the Miraculous. P. 386
"In fact a small rain storm…
as it were a mouse, out of cloud's mountain
recalling the arrival of Joyce et fils
at the haunt of Catullus
with Jim's veneration of thunder and the
Gardasee in magnificence
But Miss norton's memory for the conversation
(or "go on") of idiots
was such as even the eminent Irish writer
has, if equaled at moments (? sintheticly)
certainly never surpassed
Tout dit que pas ne dure la fortune" - Ezra Pound, Canto LXXVI
"Great poetry has high informaion,
Political speehes low. - Norbert Weiner
"No one can produce satisfactory theories, nor evaluate, nor interpret them properly as long as he continues to use the few-valued and elementalistic 'logics' and 'psychologies', which are a present always found at the bottom of any 'evaluation' or 'interpretation. - Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity, P. 699
The Chuang Tzu, an ancient philosophical treatise, states that: "Tao cannot be conveyed by either words or silence. In that state which is neither speech nor silence its trancendental nature may be apprehended." perhaps painting best typifies that state which is neither speech nor silence, but manages to convey a unique mood which can transport us into a special awareness. Yet, if we, as westerners, are to experience the tao in Chinese painting or in the I-Ching, we must recognize and transcend certain limitations of mind. - R. L. Wing, The Illustrated I Ching.
"Directions and seasons (east and west, christmas and New year's), though less distant, are not wholly unambiguous. The sisters dance of death occurs during the twelve days of christmas, but whether before New Years day or after it we cannot be sure. Though Christmas means birth (as well as cold) and New Year's means renewal, are we to take these meaning literally or ironically? A possible date for the party, as an ingenious critic has announced, is January 6, the twelfth day of christmas or the Epiphany;; and we must welcome so happy a possibility. - William York Tindall, Readers guide to James Joyce.
"I wouldn't even begin to argue that we have "detected" an Irish soma. What we have here is a mere suspicion, not a case. I'm looking for support and/or refutation. A number of queries must be directed to specialists. From philologists we need exhaustive comparisons of mushroom and soma/haoma vocabulary from all the relevant languages, such as that which Allegro carried out for the Semitic languages in The Mushroom and the Cross. Celtic, Persian, and Sanskrit should be the main candidates for word-sleuthing. The Vedic soma ritual needs to be compared in detail with all texts and fragments from Celtic sources relevant to magic substances." - Peter Lanborn Wilson, Irish Soma.
"Inn the buggining is the woid,
in the muddle is the soundance, then you're in the
unbewised again. "--Finnegans Wake, part III, P. 326.
"The existence of a single cell necessarily implies the presence of DNA, with its 4-letter "alphabet" (A,G,C,T), and of proteins, with their 20-letter 'alphabet" (the 20 aminos acids), as well as the translation mechanism between the two - given that the instructions for the construction of proteins are coded in the language of DNA. Crick writes: "It is quite remarkable that such a mechanism exists at all and even more remarkable that every living cell, whether animal, plant or microbial, contains a version of it." Crick compares a protein to a paragraph made up of 200 letters lined up in the correct order. If the chances are infinitesimal for one paragraph to emerge in a billion years from a terrestrial soup, the probability of the fortuitous appearence, during the same period, of two alphabets and one translation mechanism is even smaller. - Jeremy Narby, The Cosmic Serpent, Pg 76.
"Joyce's resolve to break up the smallest semantic units of language and experiment with linguistic particles formed a striking parallel to the goals and methods of quantum mechanics. Both Joyce and quantum physicists were attempting to penetrate what had hitherto been considered the smallest indivisible unit in language or physics - Andrzej Duszenko, The Joyce of Science.
"The forces which produce the branch-angles of an oak lay potent in the acorn. Similar lines of resistance, half curbing the out-pressing vitalities, govern the branching of rivers and of nations. Thus a nerve, a wire, a roadway, and a clearing-house are only varying channels which communication forces for itself. This is more than analogy, it is identity of structure. - Ernest Fenollosa, Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry.
"riddles abound in Finnegans Wake, itself a riddle: eg. pp. 170, 219, 223, 231, 253, 324, 607. Sometimes that of the Sphinx, the riddle is more often that of the universe or of the "anniverse." Stephan's riddles in A Portrait and Ulysses were but "the first rattle of his juniverse." Joyce, who admitted adding "puzzles," (letters, 228, 250) expected readers to solve them. H. G Wells accused joyce of turning his back on common man to elaborate "vast riddles." (letters, 274) - William York Tindall, A readers guide to James Joyce. P.267
"Those who deny the hidden variable must conclude, as Erwin Schrodinger demonstrated with mathematical precision, that both the values of the state vector co-exist and thus that a cat maybe dead and alive at the same time." - Robert Anton Wilson, Coincidance. pg 239
"Thus we may say that human information processing is, secondly, determinative: that is, it insists on certainty and unambiguity, and is thus at war with the probabilistic and indeterminate nature of the most primitive and archaic components of the universe."--Neural Lyre
"Trying to imagine what passage through these barriers might be like pushes one's imagination to the limit of hyperbole. The shorter twenty of the progressively lengthening twenty-four cycles that comprise the entire temporal hierarchy occur within the last 384-day cycle. - Terence and Dennis Mckenna, The Invisible landscape.
"I believe that Soma was a mushroom, Amanita muscaria (Fries ex L.) Quel, the fly-agaric, the Fliegenpilz of the Germans, the fausse oronge or tue-mouche or crapaudin of the French, the mukhomor of the Russians - R. Gordon Wasson
"futurist onehorse balletbattle picture" - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake P.300
"In recollection all former births passed before His eyes. Born in such a place, of such a name, and downwards to His present birth, so through hundreds, thousands, myriads, all His births and deaths He knew." - Ashvaghosha's Life of the Buddha.
Corpse Manure - Amsterdam Blues Scholars by flyagaric23