Three quarks for Muster Mark!: Sharing Mayelogic and other thoughts on internet.

"we’ve arrived in Marshal McLuhan’s global village right on schedule. --Hyperpeople.

"Share the wealth and spoil the weal. Peg the pound to tom the devil. My time is on draught. --James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, Pg. 579.

The following is a dry-toast post, or warm-up for something a little dishy, I'm preparing for the - share this course - class; a new chapter in collaborative web-work and a kick in the balls for me by Mark Pesce, and his incredibly intelligent and brilliant writing, speaking and software engineering. A slowly growing group of master-craftspeople who are joined-together to work on a new-new book. I only recently finnished reading "hyperpeople" by Mark and realize that without an edit button, some of my previous posts may be a little naive now, and that this was put together in 2004 boggles the mind!

I'm certainly swimming upstream here a little, out of the range of my own areas of technological understanding and experience, I'm roughly cutting out some quotes from Mark's 2004 article titled 'hyperpeople' and arranging them into a blog-post where they can share a place among some other key principles I take from Dr. Wilson's 'Tale of the tribe' classes, and run with.

If my contribution to this class from an ideological standpoint so far could be summed up its that James Joyce and Ezra Pound both achieved a new - hyperconnected - language of poetry and poetry of language, that I feel, gives us a well connected historical axis, or model, from which to construct a new kind of text, a new book and a new language, that may or maynot be html code, social networks and the interneting - world wide web - itself.

I don not propose that we create a new Finnegans Wake or a new Cantos but instead think about Joyce's next project, his book of the day, what would that book read like? possibly a balance and response to his wild-book of the night? What would that be like? And from Pound I would draw attention to his methodological introduction of Historical matter, his treatment of cultural fragments in an Epic poem or Tale of the Tribe, a tale of all Humanity, we can learn structure and hyperconnectivity from these two great books of shared knowledge. The rest of the tale of the tribe, as defined by RAW seems to be primarily concerned with the work of Pound and Joyce. I want to share, more specifically my interpretations of some of these ideas about alphabet and ideogram, as it becomes a natural extension from current research.

"Shares in guineases! There's lovely the sight! Surey me, man
weepful! Big Seat, you did hear? And teach him twisters in
tongue irish. --James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, pg. 361"

"Nowt better than share (Mencius)
nor worse than a fixed charge." --EZRA POUND, Canto LXXXIX.

"Nietzsche's view on eternal return is similar to that of Hume: "the idea that an eternal recurrence of blind, meaningless variation—chaotic, pointless shuffling of matter and law—would inevitably spew up worlds whose evolution through time would yield the apparently meaningful stories of our lives. This idea of eternal recurrence became a cornerstone of his nihilism, and thus part of the foundation of what became existentialism."

"(the night we will remember) for to share our hard suite of affections with
thee. –-James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, pg. 432

"Nietzsche said that history repeats itself: first as tragedy, then as folly. George Santayana said that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. And Einstein believed the definition of insanity to be “repeating the same act, expecting different results.” To these I must add one more: Hollywood loves a sequel. --Mark Pesce, Hyperpeople.

"She would make the great sacrifice. Her every effort would be to share his thoughts. --James Joyce, Ulysses, Nausicaa.

"When the tens of thousands of “amateur” productions do battle, on the level playing field of global digital superdistribution, with the few “professional” productions, the “amateurs” will win. Every time. Allways. Mark Pesce, Hyperpeople.

"Skunk. And fare with me to share with me. –-James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, pg. 365.

"monopolists, obstructors
of knowledge/obstructors of distribution."
Cf Bucky Fuller, who sez much the same
and blames continuing squalor and war on
"ignorance, greed, fear and zoning laws. --Dr. Robert Anton Wilson, Recorsi 2005."

"Gnutella is less efficient than Napster, but, because there’s no centralized server (every computer on a Gnutella file-sharing network acts as both a server and a client) there’s no single point that can be shut down. Or sued out of existence. Mark Pesce, Hyperpeople.

"Bruno's cosmology is marked by infinitude, homogeneity, and isotropy, with planetary systems distributed evenly throughout. Matter follows an active animistic principle: it is intelligent and discontinuous in structure, made up of discrete atoms. This animism (and a corresponding disdain for mathematics as a means to understanding) is the most dramatic respect in which Bruno's cosmology differs from what today passes for a common-sense picture of the universe.-

"...the “decentralized indexing”, meant that someone, somewhere had already figured out how to combine the best feature of Gnutella (its decentralized search mechanism) with the best of BitTorrent (it’s ability to turn the Internet into a very efficient system for sharing files). - Mark Pesce, Hyperpeople.

"As Weiner wrote, 'great poems contain high information, Political speeches contain little. -- Dr. Robert Anton Wilson.

"MP3 recording uses a mathematical technique known as Fourier Transforms to break an audio signal into its constituent sound waves. It’s like a chord played on a guitar: you can think of a chord as a set of individual strings being played simultaneously. Mark Pesce, Hyperpeople.

"I'll put in a shirt time if you'll get through your shift and between us in our shared slaves, brace to brassiere and shouter to shunter, we'll pull off our working programme. Come into the garden guild and be free of the gape athome! --James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, Pg. 476.

"On the left are values of f(t) at the sampling points. The integral on the right will be recognized as essentially the nth coefficient in a Fourier-series expansion of the function F(ω), taking the interval –W to W as a fundamental period. This means that the values of the samples f(n / 2W) determine the Fourier coefficients in the series expansion of F(ω). Thus they determine F(ω), since F(ω) is zero for frequencies greater than W, and for lower frequencies F(ω) is determined if its Fourier coefficients are determined. But F(ω) determines the original function f(t) completely, since a function is determined if its spectrum is known. Therefore the original samples determine the function f(t) completely. -

More than their good share of their five senses ensorcelled you would say themselves were, fuming censor, the way they could not rightly tell their heels from their stools as they cooched down a mamalujo by his cubical crib, as question time drew nighing and the map of the souls' groupography rose in relief within their quarterings --James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, pg. 476.

"BitTorrent is an elegant answer for the “superdistribution” of data; it harnesses the millions of Internet-connected computers to create something greater than the sum
its parts – a giant, distributed system for the distribution of any type of digital
information. Mark Pesce, Hyperpeople.

"And to know the share from the charge
(scala altrui)
God's eye art'ou, do not surrender perception. --EZRA POUND. From CANTOS CXII

"In information theory, entropy is a measure of the uncertainty associated with a random variable. The term by itself in this context usually refers to the Shannon entropy, which quantifies, in the sense of an expected value, the information contained in a message, usually in units such as bits. Equivalently, the Shannon entropy is a measure of the average information content one is missing when one does not know the value of the random variable. The concept was introduced by Claude E. Shannon in his 1948 paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication". -

"Instead, all computers which want to get access to some data are considered “peers,” meaning all are equal participants in any exchange of data. Mark Pesce, Hyperpeople.

"The source coding theorem for symbol codes places an upper and a lower bound on the minimal possible expected length of codewords as a function of the entropy of the input word (which is viewed as a random variable) and of the size of the target alphabet. -

“The medium is the message” means the actions of a community will differ in kind if that community is connected via telephone rather than radio, or email rather than television. Mark Pesce, Hyperpeople.

...the alphabet vs. the equation....?

...language as Class Warfare...? --Dr. Robert Anton Wilson (The Tale of the Tribe).

"And saved up his pay money,
and kept on savin' his pay money,
And bought a share in the ship,
and finally had half shares,
Then a ship --EZRA POUND, Canto XII.

McLuhan used James Joyce's Finnegans Wake as a major inspiration for this study of war throughout history as an indicator as to how war may be conducted in the future.
Joyce's Wake is claimed to be a gigantic cryptogram which reveals a cyclic pattern for the whole history of man through its Ten Thunders. Each "thunder" below is a 100-character portmanteau of other words to create a statement he likens to an effect that each technology has on the society into which it is introduced. In order to glean the most understanding out of each, the reader must break the portmanteau into separate words (and many of these are themselves portmanteaus of words taken from multiple languages other than English) and speak them aloud for the spoken effect of each word. There is much dispute over what each portmanteau truly denotes.
McLuhan claims that the ten thunders in Wake represent different stages in the history of man:[50]

* Thunder 1: Paleolithic to Neolithic. Speech. Split of East/West. From herding to harnessing animals.
* Thunder 2: Clothing as weaponry. Enclosure of private parts. First social aggression.
* Thunder 3: Specialism. Centralism via wheel, transport, cities: civil life.
* Thunder 4: Markets and truck gardens. Patterns of nature submitted to greed and power.
* Thunder 5: Printing. Distortion and translation of human patterns and postures and pastors.
* Thunder 6: Industrial Revolution. Extreme development of print process and individualism.
* Thunder 7: Tribal man again. All choractors end up separate, private man. Return of choric.
* Thunder 8: Movies. Pop art, pop Kulch via tribal radio. Wedding of sight and sound.
* Thunder 9: Car and Plane. Both centralizing and decentralizing at once create cities in crisis. Speed and death.
* Thunder 10: Television. Back to tribal involvement in tribal mood-mud. The last thunder is a turbulent, muddy wake, and murk of non-visual, tactile man.

"F(ω) is determined if its Fourier coefficients are determined. - Shannon_sampling_theorem

"Now let the centuple celves of my egourge as Micholas de Cusack calls them, of all of whose I in my hereinafter of course by recourse demission me by the coincidance of their contraries reamalgamerge in that indentity" JJ FW, Part:1 Episode:3 Page:49,

"Media change the way we perceive the world, transforming the way we think, feel, and behave. Mark Pesce, Hyperpeople.

"Joyce himself parodies this preoccupation with the artefactual value of the book at length in Finnegans Wake in regards to a certain letter, discovered by a hen in a dunghill in an advanced state of decomposition. This letter, which is said to belong to A.L.P., is subjected to extensive genetic analysis. --

"the k'ao ch'eng is according to harvest,
the tax as a share of something produced --Ezra Pound, Canto LXXXV.

TV/Internet. --RAW

"Tell us in franca langua. And call a spate a spate. Did they never sharee you ebro
at skol, you antiabecedarian? –-James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, pg. 198

Faith in Science: Scientists Search for Truth.
By W. Mark Richardson, Gordy Slack

Cognitive Wireless Networks: Concepts, Methodologies and Visions...
By Frank H. P. Fitzek, Marcos D. Katz

The Spirit of the Internet: Speculations on the Evolution of Global ...
By Lawrence Hagerty

The Gutenberg galaxy: the making of typographic man
By Marshall McLuhan


Over the last few years, almost everyone I know has spoken out about George W. Bush, Tony Blair and the illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, noody wanted a WAR other than a few lonely old Gentleman,, it seemed.

By 2003 we could all see the horrible greed and hate driven - genocidal - tendencies of the UK/US axis. The newsmedia ignored most claims of conspiracy, or claims that THIS WAS ALWAYS THE PLAN! In the interests of BIG crude and rude OIL, big PHARMA and possible religious ties and dealings with the devils. Either way, many have been shouting and balling about Blair and Bush, demanding a criminal trial. The following news article about a new commission set up by Gordon Brown comes about 8 years too late! But for the BBC that's perty swift!

Tony Blair and George W. Bush, and the intelligencers that they romance should... be terminally committed to a home for the mentally disturbed. And the History and the world shall know that these miliraty invasions helped cause the 2008 financial crash, and help degrade the environment by way of WAR-FUEL, and helps organized crime and international terrorism, with moral support, financial help and fulfil the hero's and villains - play - that must play-out in the corporate media to keep most people sleeping.

Tony Blair "sealed his reputation" in America by his support for the US after 9/11, the UK's former ambassador to the US has told the Iraq war inquiry.
Sir Christopher Meyer said Mr Blair and President George Bush "got on" from the moment they met in 2001 and that their relationship "warmed" after that.
But talk of military action against Iraq "never entered the mainstream" in the US before 9/11, he said. The inquiry is focusing on UK-US relations before the war.

US-UK policy

In his evidence, Sir Christopher is focusing on US policy towards Iraq in the run-up to the 2003 US-led invasion and its interaction with UK policy.
The former ambassador said the personal chemistry between the prime minister and the US president was important and Mr Blair's "eloquent" support for the US after 9/11 won him huge admiration in the US.
Before 9/11, he said the US viewed Iraq as "a grumbling appendix" but was focused on supporting dissident groups and toughening sanctions and talk of military action was "going nowhere".
After 9/11, Sir Christopher said some minor members of the Bush administration urged retaliation against Iraq, claiming there was a connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda.
But he said the US government decided to focus instead on al-Qaeda and Afghanistan, "setting aside" other issues including Iraq.
The inquiry is looking into UK involvement in Iraq between 2001 and 2009, with the first few weeks focusing on policy in the build-up to the 2003 US-led invasion.

Intelligence claims

Critics of the war claim that the US had already decided to topple Saddam Hussein in 2002 and that the UK had agreed to go along with this - claims both countries have denied.
The reasons for going to war in Iraq - including the now discredited claim that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction which could be used within 45 minutes of an order being given - remain a long-standing source of controversy.

November-December: Former top civil servants, spy chiefs, diplomats and military commanders to give evidence
January-February 2010: Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and other politicians expected to appear before the panel
March 2010: Inquiry expected to adjourn ahead of the general election campaign
July-August 2010: Inquiry expected to resume
Report set to be published in late 2010 or early 2011

Iraq inquiry: Day-by-day timeline

On Wednesday, senior Foreign Office official Sir William Ehrman told the inquiry that a report shortly before the invasion suggested Iraq's chemical weapons may have been "disassembled".
"We did... get a report that chemical weapons might have remained disassembled and Saddam hadn't yet ordered their assembly."
A separate report suggested Iraq might also "lack" warheads capable of spreading chemical agents, he added.
However, Sir William - the Foreign Office's Director general of defence and Intelligence between 2002 and 2004 - said there was "contradictory intelligence" and these reports did not "invalidate" the fact that Iraq had chemical weapons.
"It was more about their use. Even if they were disassembled the (chemical or biological) agents still existed."

'WMD surprise'

Sir William insisted that the role of intelligence in the decision to go to war was "limited".
He also said it was a "surprise" no weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq, saying "it was not what we had expected".
The Lib Dems said Sir William's comments seemed to contradict Tony Blair's statement in Parliament that Iraq posed a "clear and present danger" to international security.
Asked to explain the absence of WMD and why the UK government had got this wrong, Sir William noted a "great deal" of the intelligence about Iraq's chemical and biological weapons production provided before the war had been withdrawn afterwards as false.
Addressing the overall threat posed by Iraq in 2001, officials said it was "not top of its list" of countries causing concern because of their stated desire to develop weapons of mass destruction.
With sanctions in place against Iraq, the Foreign Office believed Saddam Hussein could not build a nuclear weapon and, even if sanctions were removed, it was estimated it would take him five years to do so.
Officials said most evidence suggested Iraq's chemical and biological programme had largely been "destroyed" in 1991.
Although reports in late 2002 suggested Iraq was rebuilding its capability, they said intelligence about its actual position had been "patchy" since weapons inspectors were withdrawn in 1998.
But they maintain the threat posed by Iraq was viewed as "unique" because it had shown itself willing to use weapons of mass destruction on its own people and its neighbours.

Terrorist links
The inquiry also learnt that the UK investigated and rejected suggestions of links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda.
Following the 9/11 attacks, the Foreign Office looked at the matter "very carefully" but concluded the two were not "natural allies".
The inquiry, looking at the whole period from 2001 to 2009, was set up by Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who also chose the panel.
Mr Brown and predecessor Tony Blair are expected to be among future witnesses, with the final report due early in 2011.
Previously, the Butler inquiry looked at intelligence failures before the war, while the Hutton inquiry examined the circumstances leading to the death of former government adviser David Kelly. -

Blair planned Iraq war from start

INSIDE Downing Street Tony Blair had gathered some of his senior ministers and advisers for a pivotal meeting in the build-up to the Iraq war. It was 9am on July 23, 2002, eight months before the invasion began and long before the public was told war was inevitable.

The discussion that morning was highly confidential. As minutes of the proceedings, headed “Secret and strictly personal — UK eyes only”, state: “This record is extremely sensitive. No further copies should be made. It should be shown only to those with a genuine need to know its contents.”