FW is for Finnegans Wake: Awake Aweek. Part:1 Episode:5 Page:106

Happy Holidays everyone.
I found myself swimming in the wake again this week, this jumped out and asked to be posted.
Link to the entire blook @ the End.

Fly Acrillic

serve Him with Thee, Of all the Wide Torsos in all the Wild Glen,
O'Donogh, White Donogh, He's Hue to Me Cry, I'm the Stitch
in his Baskside You'd be Nought Without Mom, To Keep the
Huskies off the Hustings and Picture Pets from Lifting Shops,
Norsker Torsker Find the Poddle, He Perssed Me Here with the Ardour
of a Tonnoburkes, A Boob Was Weeping This Mower was Reaping,
O'Loughlin, Up from the Pit of my Stomach I Swish you the White
of the Mourning, Inglo-Andeen Medoleys from Tommany Moohr,
The Great Polynesional Entertrainer Exhibits Ballantine
Brautchers with the Link of Natures, The Mimic of Meg Neg end
the Mackeys, Entered as the Lastest Pigtarial and My Pooridiocal
at Stitchioner's Hall, Siegfield Follies and or a Gentlehomme's Faut
Pas, See the First Book of Jealesies Pessim, The Suspended
Sentence, A Pretty Brick Story for Childsize Heroes, As Lo Our Sleep,
I Knew I'd Got it in Me so Thit settles That, Thonderbalt Captain
Smeth and La Belle Sauvage Pocahonteuse, Way for Wet Week
Welikin's Douchka Marianne, The Last of the Fingallians, It Was
Me Egged Him on to the Stork Exchange and Lent my Dutiful
Face to His Customs, Chee Chee Cheels on their China Miction,
Pickedmeup Peters, Lumptytumtumpty had a Big Fall, Pimpimp
Pimpimp, Measly Ventures of Two Lice and the Fall of Fruit,
The Fokes Family Interior, If my Spreadeagles Wasn't so Tight
I'd Loosen my Cursits on that Bunch of Maggiestraps, Allolosha
Popofetts and Howke Cotchme Eye, Seen Aples and Thin Dyed,
i big U to Beleaves from Love and Mother, Fine's Fault was no
Felon, Exat Delvin Renter Life,The Flash that Flies from Vuggy's
Eyes has Set Me Hair On Fire, His is the House that Malt Made,
Divine Views from Back to the Front, Abe to Sare Stood Icyk
Neuter till Brahm Taulked Him Common Sex, A Nibble at Eve
Will That Bowal Relieve, Allfor Guineas, Sounds and Compliments
Libidous, Seven Wives Awake Aweek, Airy Ann and Berber Blut,
Amy Licks Porter While Huffy Chops Eads, Abbrace of Umbellas
or a Tripple of Caines, Buttbutterbust, From the Manorlord Hoved
to the Misses O'Mollies and from the Dames to their Sames,
Manyfestoons for the Colleagues on the Green, An Outstanding Back and
an Excellent Halfcentre if Called on, As Tree is Quick and Stone is - FINNEGANS WAKE. Part:1 Episode:5 Page:106
Acrillic Figa



BC is for Blueberry Cave: by Garaj Mahal

I was fortunate enough to be on two cuts from this album, as DJ Fly Agaric 23.
So, i'll be finding my way into some record shop or other near you soon, with abit of luck.

Blueberry Cave is a winner in the 2007 Independent Music Awards, whose esteemed panel of judges include Peter Gabriel, Ozzy Osbourne, McCoy Tyner, Paul Oakenfold, Suzanne Vega, Cyndi Lauper, Marc Ribot, Buddy Guy, David Grisman, Bebel Gilberto, Bill Frisell, Rob Wasserman and FatBoy Slim. The album was selected as the Winner of the Album - Jam category from the largest number of entries the program has received to date, according to award organizers Music Resource Group. - Garaj Mahal.net

Acrillic Figa



T is for TRYDONT 2013

Please, Mr Blair
(now...Mr Cameron)

Again I ask myself (in 2006 and 2013)
Trident of Victoria on a
Two penny peace?

Tridents are manufactured
in Britains BOMB factory!
(Somebody call the POLICE!
Quick, a BOMB factory!
BBC News from 2000

on your coat of arms,
those dolphins, please remove them.
Royal Navy Seals
you do NOTHING but ill to
marine life.

And as far as i know,
give a fuck about
real Lions, or seals!

why not spend the money on
clean drinking water,
adequate food and
some shelters?

livingry for the
BILLIONS of people
around the world and
millions in the UK!

who would want to
terrorize them rather than
what sadistic sons of

may Poseidon and all the Gods and Goddesses
of the ocean curse
the nuke dealers, lobbyists and M.P's
responsible for Trident

T is for Tyrrells Potato Chip at Tesco's

"In January 2005, Tesco faced criticism for their testing of RFID tags used to collect information on product movement in pilot stores. Critics label the tags "Spy Chips" and allege that they are to be used to collect information on customers' shopping habits. - Tesco @ Wiki

"Tyrrells Potato Chips, a Herefordshire-based company with a turnover of just £10m, had refused to supply its upmarket ranges to Tesco but found that the retailer was selling its products at a reduced price in 70 stores, having sourced them on the grey market. Following complaints from Tyrrells, Tesco declined to stop selling the products. So Will Chase, Tyrrells' founder, appointed HBJ Gateley Wareing, the law firm, to examine his legal options. - ARTICLE

Acrillic Figa

MCC is for Mushrooms and Climate Change.

After reading a little of the new Stern report about Global climate change and proposed new Green Taxes i remembered the theme of my Spring essay for the magazine Maybelogic Quarterly: Mycoremediation. ALIGHT MATTER by Fly agaric 23

Governments will ignore the medicinal, environmental, and social benefits of mushrooms at their peril.

I hope that somebody will read this book and help get this mycoremediation revolution going, running.

Thankyou Paul Stamets for taking mushrooms and their properties very seriously and unleashing the science fiction therein.

If you are in the UK i rekon that picking some Liberty caps and settling down somewhere comfortable to contemplate global mycoremdiation and the potential to tackle global Climate change with mushrooms. This might be the most important question for mankind, or it could make you laugh and smile a bit?

Fly Agaric 23

Acrillic Figa



A message to Corporate Marketing D'evils and historical materialists...

I met Bruce Sterling, very briefly, at an Information technology, global ecology conference held in San Francisco, called "planetworkers" in 2000 A.D. His absolutlyfucking brilliant presentation, full of satire and typical neird-wit, was through a Scanner-Sterling lens focused upon a recent fire (May 2000) at the Los Alamos laboratories. He left no pun unpunished. He said that he quickly put this satirical-prose together on his flight, and i believed him. Inventive sharp-cutting satire, poetic genius, and a refreshing insightful criticism though without any low personal attacks, tabaloid-like attatcks, on character, or even Human error in some sense. Other forces are at work here.

I felt a refreshing contempt for the dull profit driven industrial/militaristic/agricultural/media marketing monsters too. IMAMMM "my own interpretation of THEM. THEY. The wealth and life-support monopilists. Maybe YOU are hypnotised by IMAMMM today? The excellent Planetworkers conference and its wide range of participants went on to provide concise, practicle, sustainable alternatives, GREEN ideas - if you like - which provided a vital backdrop for Sterling's particular species of silver-flash discourse.

After that experience Bruce Sterling became a name that i looked out for. A Novelist, and linguistic gymnast, [see google video below] video linked below, gives you a taste of Sterling. For the record, i detect the felt presence of William S. Burroughs, Philip K. Dick, Robert Anton Wilson, Leary and Mckenna in his presentation too. But i would do, naturally, because i admire these literary giants so much and feel most attracted to their world views and reality tunnels. The Novelist and poet deserve equal respect and attention, NEWS attention, IMHO, as the popular scientist and engineer - the champions of our popular technological industrial world - for the novelist, and other exponents of quality literature, include the more murky and subtle "social-psychological" parameters hidden within us all, often missing, occult, edited-out or watered down by the mediaters of our pissy-trickle-down "mainstream" of daily electronic signals; our surrounding digital environs. A technosphere becoming increasingly under attack or under renewal? from a kind of SPIME? trying to SELL/GIVE something, or make YOU believe/doubt something fundamentally, or maybe just partially? Do you see Brightly or darkly? I feel Bruce has a lot of questions for us, the digital aged, that will be of critical importance to our children and the future populations of Humanica! [

Blogjects created by clouds, spy chips and hyperlinked OBJECTS. GOOGLING life-support systems etc. Yeah, exactly. Immediatism. And the radical semantic implications of shortening the time between what you think and what you will, to their manifestation's in 3 dimensional space time. Its a kind of magic then? MIND? BODY? SPEECH? How will a corporate consumer landscape, for example, be changed by the introduction of the electronic TAO? Immediatism? You will become what you think, eat and act out almost Instantaneously? MIND BODY SPEECH. Supported by the hyperlinked GLOBAL tinternet? And so....

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. - Buddha"

Welcome to the afterfuture.

Bruce Sterling speaking at LIFT conference.


Acrillic Figa

HW is for Howordz Way:

Howordz Way

Àpollo versed himself into fish with womb
Piloting poets to DELPHI:
The womb of the Wor.ld
A Womb governing the Oracle of Delphi
Meaning womb
Sauce of Life and Wisdome

Dolphin flipped into FISH WITH A WOMB by greek logic
The damnable Navy seals and their repulsive poison and accursed ear-wax
Mistranslate dolphin into
Shamefully perverting a smiling samaritan and guardian of ships into
Destroyer of ship's
Smiling merchant of death
Evil and further devilry in the sickly name of national kaution
Li Sao Li Sao for sorrow
Our only security is change

Sucking my pink thumb i evoke
A Babel ichthus Decoding
To enable alien races to ©omunicare
Speaking with their aboriginal slangwedge
As waves begin taking form
Rising but formed
Holding their form
Foam: sparkling cristal

1494: Aldus Manutius and his Aldine pressa tipografica was sealed by
Dolphin and Anchor ideographix
Suckling pesci with a womb
And navire ancorare
Whirling Stenella longirostris twisting like DNA hélix ribbons
Mind like the whirl without the pool
A tomb without a corps
Dolphfinnegans: connaissance-without-an-objet
Mathematizing sea-good
Dolphins classified as mammifére in 1776 by Linnaeus
Mankind scrawls his taxinomie of gnumerous goodz in his book

Surfing Dolphinnegans Wake
Lactating mindfield churned inside out
And turned again into Eins Leary wide uni.verse
La Tao of Joyce
A delfino voix: JANUS

"Phil Adolphos the weary O, the leery, O,
" Dolphin in the wildsbillow
"Light a pike on porpoise
"Pannonia on this porpoise
"Can you nei do her, numb? asks Dolph
"Spirit spires Dolph
" Godolphinglad in the Hoy's Court
" Godolphing in fairlove

"Dolphin's Barncar. Wan Ceteroom;
"Cods' cradle and porpoise plain
"Simple philadolphus
"Traduced into jinglish janglage
" For the nusances of dolphins born.
" Adolphted such an Adelphus! Jerry Godolphing"

Uncertain.tea brewing the womb of future porpossebili.tea
Disentangle the Dauphine stir into Auvergnat
Adding condensed mammal latte for spiral galaxy

Original swinners with oración credentials
Traduced into jinglish janglage
For the nusances of Delphinus born
Babel mammal surfing a word warywide web
Barbarous Godolphin horse speak

And Poseidon took over the titles of le Royal Pallas
Sea beast and salmoneus the human oak king
De Dagdafinn sanghasongs of Salmon read knowledge
Percolating La Boyne Water

®osa dauphin à gros nez corkscrews up a cherry waterspout
Gyrating along the Amazon
Like a brief lived raspberryframboise ripple cascade
A Rubescent ivory strudel.
Salmoneus thrusting out its whirlpoint towards the ruddy riverun
Above the earth a garden of rose trees
Flowers blooming and dying all-at-once
Pink porpoise cloud portal hatchway for
Returning Bufeo Colorado

Dusky faces and pearl shoulder blade oscillating through upward fountains
Petals of frosted skin shed and fall
Through the coral cetoessa fontana
Glowing apricot as sunset leaves
Their ochre clings to their fuselage
Tangerine rust against the sunlight thrusting up a vertical river mouth
Godz puckered roseo lips sucking and blowing with circular breath

®osewine vortice linking heaven and terroir
The Ocean sky ladder exited by delphinidae godolphinnx
Leaving munkind a soggy porpoise corpus which reads
Cherry'O and tanks for all the fish
Tromba d'acqua dances furthur down river back out to the ocean
And makes porpoise portalz
Suckling up Cetacea With kundalini zing
Meeting the Palladium moonlight casting a crescent silhouette
Prophecie'd since Aldus printed the
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
Transduced as
poliphilidolfinnegan by Flipper
The great cétacémostro marino
Comming from Greek ketos sea-munster
God A Hikue and goddess Hiuaoioi flipping summersalts

Extraterrestre voices float on the sea aire
Festina lente as Arion's lyr
And Jason dreams upon his chrusos fleece
Deciphering from Delphine to English
The ice of the owlphin in aire is lyke whoman?
Dolpfinnz pronounce owls un ombinaxionx of owls yet
ill avin rubble ith onsonanz

Shark of the covenant appears quilted in sea-beast skins
And sacred Shoulder blades are boiled and brewed into
Delphilazarus elixir
PALLADIUM moonshine
Now Watch the waves as they roll
Ripples and eddies coiling outwards
From the galactating Dauphine constellation of
Strange aquatic attractors that inflowenced us here
Comunicación between bard and porpoise
The Intelligenz sporterspout

Dharma songs ode to Temples of Tethys
Voixed by the sweetest Goddess of la océano
Lamenting mammal babel re©orded in doggerel by hoo-ha GODMEN
As another TYPE of critter
And Pelops married Hippodamia down river
And was sad when she returned to the sea
No longer strange to rediscover fossilized PAKICETUS poems?
A genus of extinct
Cétacé poesé épica
Found in the upper Eocene of Pakistan
Once-upon-a-time part of the coast skirting
Tethys Ozean

The truth paddles around the ruins of Peos
With the Sonne in its golden wor.ld cup
La argent apples of the lune
Le golden pomme's of the sole mixedmashed
Into a sac.red and whiffy fishélixir Finnsmoothé

Delphinus bathes close to the celestial equatore
And the same stars glittered above the noir sea
while Howard plays in electric-ultramarine waves then swimming again
Rushing up the Crathis towards the Styx
In mating season
Charged with lust up through the river bouche fresh from the mare
Making haste slowly
Dolphin kicking and jamming, in the year of the water bearer
Li Sao Li Sao for sorrow

Peace Borso Lilly
Be as eternal peace in the vortex of evolution
Li Sao
And thanks for all the poisson

"Epics," said Hagbard. "They're mad for epics. They have their whole story for the past forty thousand years in epic form. No books, no writing— how could they handle pens with their fins, you know? All memorization. Which is why they favor poetry. And their poems are marvelous, but you must spend years studying their language before you know that. Our computer turns their works into doggerel. It's the best it can do. When I have the time, I'll add some circuits that can really translate poetry from one language to another. When the Porpoise Corpus is translated into human languages, it will advance our culture by centuries or more. It will be as if we'd discovered the works of a whole race of Shakespeares that had been writing for forty millennia." "On the other hand," said Howard, "your civilizations may be demoralized by culture shock." "Not likely," said Hagbard grumpily. "We've a few things to teach you, you know." "And our psychotherapists can help you over the anguish of digesting our knowledge," said Howard. "They have psychotherapists?" said George. " - Illuminatus Trilogy

Copyleft dj fly agaric 23 [Steven Jams Pratt] 2012

Acrillic Figa

