Springtime, gotta' turn this off.

A day in April 2007
Spring morning at place of group learning
One man incarnating evil on campusl
One day in April 2007

Weeping, screaming kids broadcast into my head
Hot bullets fired bring flowers into bloom,
Springtime, gotta' turn this off.

We have his identity, the killer,
We have him now,
We have his remains and inner illness on display
Springtime, gotta turn this off.
Not this day in April.

Flowers blooming at the end of the sound of shooting
Springtime, gotta turn this off.
I can see the flowers though, in the blood
I'm seeing like the poet sees
How to make light of bloody massacre?
Springtime, gotta' turn this off.

With light, there's darkness,
So in heaven too.
Shut your eyes, block your ears
No. no. Springtime, gotta' turn this stuff off.

Now Bush! Agh! look away kids
Now a cryptic note, a weirdo' poem/note
A suicide tattoo, oh, ou,
Shut your eyes, block your ears
Springtime, gotta' turn this off.

Terrible blood bath in America
Oh God, not another war now, not again,
Was this indiscriminate or planned?
Was HE a Muslim or not a Muslim
What is a Muslim? What is an American?
Springtime, gotta' turn this off.

Oh, i dunno what's what, anymore.
Questions about a boy to help answer
More questions about a why?
Springtime, gotta' turn this off.

Damn, gotta go out and buy dinner
Water the tomato plants
Oh No, Not another war
Not now, not over this
Springtime, gotta' turn this off.

Forget about it, stop trying to
Solve this murder
Is it another "plot to secure more security contracts
More scanners, more nuke deals with Korea?"
I read on that on a Horror blog today
Springtime, gotta' turn this off now.

More gun
Springtime, gotta' turn this off now, damn,
Who makes them guns and the ammo?

Turn on to TV like a Junky, turning to the news
Wondering why? Cooking noodles and Tofu
Trying to think like a murderer, umm,
In the Killers shoes while wtaching the sad news
Springtime, gotta' turn this off.

I'm looking at American/Korean relations
Historically with internet
I'm Looking for a revenge, a crime motive, a reason?
Springtime, gotta' turn this off.

These things seem like an infinitum absurdumb
As Suicide and death: absurdumb
Who manufactured the Bullets?
Why can't we read all the death note yet?
Why the security failure and communication failure?
Springtime, this time, i really gotta'
Turn this Newspeak off and eat somthing

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